Sunday, May 10, 2009

ahhhh...happy mother's day

We went to Grandma and Grandpa's house this weekend (their other house that is). And really what more could I want for Mother's Day but a day in the sun? Daniel was so great about taking care of the kids, putting them down for naps, entertaining them at church, serving me breakfast, and oh ya as a bonus I get to come home to a shark steam mop...i know this may sound strange to some but I'm so excited! I love being a mother, esp on mother's day! Happy Mother's Day! To all the mother's in my life, but mostly my own mother whom I call nearly every day, whom I solve all the world's problems with, and giggle about the silliest things:) I love you mama!


Kandis Smith said...

You are so lucky to talk to your mom everyday! Sounds like you had a great Mom day! (I want a shark too---soooo lucky!!)

Stephanie said...

Glad you had a good mday!! We missed you at church. I LOVE getting high tech things that help me keep my house cleaned. A clean house is a happy mom :o)

Happy bday Olivia!! CUTE CUTE party!! I'll put you in charge of Reese's bday! LOVE the pictures. What a princess.

The Powells said...

Where do you get your super cute and modest swimsuits?! Every time I see I picture of you in a bathing suit, I want it! I think I want your mop too...

~Amanda~ said...

What a great Mother's Day!
I have a Shark Steam Mop!