Thursday, August 14, 2008

"But i still love technology"

i'm super tired from staying up way too late finishing Breaking Dawn. (ooooh sooooo goood!) My kiddos are asleep and have been for over an hour. What I am doing up? I'm getting myself reaquainted with the net:) I love you sweet internet! I love how you let me pay my bills, e-mail, check out the olympics, blog... and i find comfort knowing that if I wanted to say find out the hours of the local party store of perhaps the weather in Venice, you would be more than willing to share your plethora of inforamtion with me:) Now if only you could get my camera to work I'd love you forever.


peterson said...

Here is a great piece of technology. The phone. Could you give us a call or give us an e-mail.
Darrin & Lynette

Lindsey said...

Did you know that the internet also lets you book airline tickets? This is just a rumor...I am still investigating....Man I miss you. 9 days seems like a lifetime since you have been gone. Sniff Sniff

Julie Barnes said...

I hear ya about the internet... without it my life would be worthless... or I guess I would be completely bored all day :)

Dani said...

OH yeah. I was totally serious too. The first season I saw was season three and I found myself saying the words "and Heavenly Father, please help Jack find the virus" and then I had to pause and think wait, is it real? Am I asleep here on my knees? I was so tired!