*We held a Christmas Piano Recital... (picture is missing...hmm maybe later)
I started teaching lessons again in August and absolutely love it! Saturday everyone came over we listened, we sang, we ate. I'm sooooo proud of all my little students!!!!
*We attended the ward Christmas Party....where we waited FOREVER to sit on Santa's lap only to have the children cry, of course.

*I went crazy and decided to rip down wallpaper in the playroom. I told Daniel it could be his Christmas gift to me. After peeling off paper for two days, sanding the walls, priming the walls, and adding texture we finally completed the first coat of paint. Tonight the second one is going on. Just in time for all my family to come in a couple of days. (Those masks really came in handy while we were sanding and mixing the texture di!)

*I caught the nasty cough that everyone and their mother has had. Kolby put ME down for a nap. He tucked me in and read me a book, "Once Upon a TIme...there was a bunny and a cat. The End" Did you recognize
The Tale of Peter Rabbit ?
*Discovered that KOlby is prone to be a drug addict. He came down with this awful cold and a fever. He told Daniel that "the pink medicine makes me happy, it makes my mouth happy".
I do love the fact that my hubby is a teacher around this time of year because now I get to enjoy him being home for two weeks and he didn't even have to take any vacation:)
This weekend we will finish the playroom, fold a billion loads of laundry, clean the house, clean the cars, do the lawn and buy one more Christmas present. Or I might take some sweet drugs and sleep a lot:) Let the festivities begin.....