Once upon a time (like in May...see side bar?) we took a post-baby-blessing family snapshot outside my church. That is the only photo I have of my family of 5. For a photo and blogger nut...this is just unacceptable! I was determined to get a family picture before Christmas...or before my children grow up and move to college.
I had the outfits and the location and the perfect images all in my head. My awesome sis-in-law, whom i owe BIG TIME, agreed to take the pics once again so everything was set.
The only problem is...
family photos are serioiusly the biggest visual lie known to man.
Reality check:
The location was a no-go because it was freakishly cold for Texas and we were short on time. We ended up standing outside Rosie's house for a few seconds and then dethawing inside inbetween each picture.
Naomi was way too cold to actually break out a smile.... (she woke up the next day with a runny nose and fever, nice.)
Olivia decided to make faces in 100 out of 108 pictures.
Kolby kept thinking he was going to fall down so the look of fear is quite clear in his eyes.
Daniel and I both look old and tired because with 3 little ones we are old and tired:)
Daniel wishes he had more hair, I wish i had less chubbs.

As it turned out I still had fun playing photoshop-wanna-be on picnik.com and came up with these. Daniel hates them because they're too bright for his taste. At this point I'm just happy everyone is looking and I have something to give the grandparents for Christmas.
And now you know that when you see one of these beauties hanging on my wall it wasn't on a glorious warm family outing where we all just happened to be in coordinating colors and having the time of our lives:)
Have I learned my lesson?
The next family picture will appear in the spring:)
As a side note: before i get in trouble for being too "real", I really do LOVE my family and the love that is captured in the photos is real. Sometimes its just harder to see when we're too busy being a real family.