Wednesday, May 28, 2008
"See ya later Alligator"...
says kolby when i tell him that mommy and daddy are going out of town tomorrow.
Yes my friends, the time has come. Its been almost three years and we've decided to have our first getaway. We'll be in San Antonio for a long weekend and i couldn't be more excited! As aweful as it sounds, I'm not gonna lie, I need a break from my kids. I love them, its just I need a break from motherhood in general. Since january 2005 I've been either pregnant or nursing, my kids decided they hate me and never took a bottle. As of two weeks ago, Olivia is officially weaned and I'm sensing a bit of freedom! Basically I want to drive in the car without hearing crying, eat without having to chop up small bits in between each of my bites, wake up by my own free will, and just breathe without constantly worrying if someone is safe and happy and entertained. When I come home i promise to do all of the above with a better attitude.
As a side note...i freaked out the other day realizing that since i was no longer prego or nursing i should probably stop eating as if I am. I told Daniel that I was going to get fat. He told me I should exercise twice as much. The correct response would have been, "You look beautiful no matter what" or "You always look hot" or "You've had two children and look great, you don't need to worry about what you eat". Boy was he way off! A lie would have been much better:)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Hello and Goodbye

Family Loss

Thursday, May 22, 2008
"Mommy I watch Idol on Tuesday"
Monday, May 19, 2008
And the winner is...
Scarlet Fever.
The Dr. said Kolby has Strep Throat and I said, "oh I didn't realize you could get a rash with strep". He said, "yep its called scarlet fever....basically strep + rash". I was thinking to myself, like Velveteen Rabbit, Little House on the Prarie Scarlet Fever? He saw my look and said, no worries Amoxicillian is a great thing. We all should be feeling much better in 24 hrs.
Kolby= Scarlet Fever
Olivia = strep + a bonus ear infection:)
If anyone would like to stop by for a swig of a yummy pink beverage please do, just remember to shake well.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Weekend Notes
After my murmuring on wednesday I must inform y'all of my fab thursday. I tried out a pilates class in the morning...not as scary as I thought, a good ab workout and yet relaxing too. I also took the kids to the library, took a nap, had a massage, and attended a Pampered Chef party. I couldn't post after my massage because I still felt like a wet noodle:) I think a good day like that totally cancels out the crappy days in between.
Saturday I went to a "Bread Making" RS activity where I sat in awe as a lady ground her own wheat, made 5 loaves of bread, 2 pizza's, 2 dozen cinnamon rolls, and a cracked wheat salad before my very eyes. I was all pumped to learn soemthing domestic but now more than ever I feel overwhelmed. Then I chopped my hair off (the verdict is still out whether I like it or not...possible pics later), went to the temple with daniel, enjoyed a cookies'n'cream milkshake, and started The Host by Stephanie Meyers thanks to my awesome sis-in-law.
Today, Sunday, we are all feeling feverish and Kolby is covered with a rash?chickenpox? Bubonic Plague? A perfect ending to a very plesant weekend.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Trouble Makers
In the words of my little niece, today I wanted to shout, "You're ruining my life!" Warning: Do not be fooled by how adorable each of the subjects look in the photos...they're all trouble, trust me!
It started out rough for ms olivia. She was so fussy and cried all morning so i fed her, bathed her, and put her back to bed.
Then we were off to playgroup at the park. It rained on us so after 1.5 hours I loaded the kids up only to have the sun come out on my way home and I missed out as all my friends stayed and chatted. When I got home I saw that the gate on the side of the house was unlatched and the dog was missing. I threw the kids in the double jogger and proceeded to "jog" around the neighborhood in my crocs. Kolby asked me every 2 seconds where Mickey was and I was starting to lose my patience. Luckily after a half hour I spotted him.
When we got home i put the kids in the tub. As i was dressing olivia Kolby decided to poo in the tub and then smear it on his body. I washed him and the tub muttering, "disgusting" over and over again and then put them both to bed. When Kolby woke up after only 20 minutes I told him he better lay back down.
I'm so looking forward to my Mother's Day present tomorrow...a thirty minute message.....ahhhhhhh.....

Getting Old
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Stats and Splash
I took Olivia for her 12 month check-up and shots today, always a joy to be in the waiting room forever:) Kolby was also not very happy with the nurse when she gave olivia the shots. Here's how the convo went:
kolby: "Mommy what happened to the baby?"
nurse: "She's just mad at me"
k: "no! no! baby's sad!"
n: "I had to give her shots so she won't get sick"
k: "The baby's sick?"
n: "no! I had to give her shots so she won't get sick!!!"
Mommy: "Now olivia won't get sick, she's all better now"
k: "oh ok, baby's all better"
(in my head): Don't yell at my 2 year old for being a protective brother!
Here's her stats:
weight- 17.3 lbs 10%
height- 27.5 inches 10%
Head- 44.1 cm
So my baby girl is apparently a shrimp? I don't get it. She eats non-stop. If she were my first I might be stressing at the moment but I see everything she eats so I must conclude that she inherited her daddy's metabolism.
As exciting as it would have been to take dr pics here's some fun pics from last friday when we took the kiddos to the splashpad here in the neighborhood. Olivia kept signing "more" when I tried to dry her off. Kolby liked getting his toes wet:) The camera really must add 10lbs bc olivia doesn't look like she's unweight in her onepiece:)

Friday, May 2, 2008
Happy Birthday Olivia Baby!...the real birthday post:)

Thursday, May 1, 2008
just for fun...
You Are Mulan!
Strong and spirited. You're no one's girly girl; actually you are very determined person with a strong sense of self. Never let go of that! The only thing that equals your sense of self is your family, but the traditions of society can always be bent to protect something or someone you love.
Which Disney Princess Are You?
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