We were gone yet another weekend, this time in Galevston. My sis-in-law, bro-in-law, father-inlaw, and hubby were competing in the sprint and half ironman. Oh for all those whose husbands/inlaws aren't completely psycho and are into things like this... the sprint ironman= .3 mile swim, 14 mile bike, 3.1 mile run and the half ironman= 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, and 13 mile run. I don't think I could complete a single event on the list, let alone all 3 in a row! Craziness!
Saturday my mom-in-law and I booked it through sand, over medians, past the swirly twirly gum drops...(ok not that last part) with a double and single stroller and 5 kiddos in all to cheer on mark, rosie, and estes. Mom and I thought we had a harder job than the athletes:)They all did really well and we were so proud. We stayed in an awesome hotel and had perfect weather. Of course I thought I left my camera in the hotel only to realize later it was at the bottom of my bag so i have no photos of the aquarium, rainforest, 3-D imax, or swimming pool, not that i really had the energy to take pics anyway. Daniel was still back at home at a meet so i had a lot of help from my in-laws hearding my children. Sunday we cheered on mark and daniel in the half. I even made the kids t-shirts that said "Go dad Go". But after we waited at the finish line for nearly an hour after we guessed daniel would make it (based on his time from last year)we soon found out that Daniel was in the E.R. With 5 miles left to go Daniel finally stopped for help. He had the flu or stomach poisoning and simply could not keep himself hydrated. The first aid station told me he was incoherent. I picked him up from the hospital while my inlaws took care of my kids. At one point he started to get sick so I made a stop at McDOnalds. ON the way back to the car a homeless man approached us. He asked for money but I honestly never carry cash. He kept pestering us though and I told him my husband was very sick, he said he was sick too. I told him my husband just got out of the hospital, and he said he did too. Then he saw daniel stumbling to the car with his eyes rolling around and he helped daniel to the car, gave him a shoulder rub and said "God bless you". Of couse Daniel was disappointed he didn't get to finish and returned back to work the next day. LIke I said I'm surrounded by crazy people. Oh well I gotta love 'em.