This week is daniel's spring break so we decided to take the kids to the livestock/rodeo/carnival. We went last year and it was pouring rain so hard we had to walk through the flooded fairgrounds in water up to our knees and I was 7 month prego. This year, perhaps since it was St. Patrick's Day, we had a little bit more luck:)
Bad luck....both kids missed their naps....olivia was a weee fussy:)
Good luck rain! and kolby absolutely loved all the animals, riding the carnival rides, and getting some good quality time with his dad.
Thanks to Tom and Holly for the invite...I sense a spring break tradtion coming on:)
Thanks to my super-Target-shopper-sisters-in-law, I found out about this amazing deal. Dianna, called Holly, who called me, who called daniel so we could all get these cute little tent/sleeping bag/flash light/backpack/water bottle/compass set at Target for $12.48. The Target by my house was all out of the boys but since daniel was at a track meet an hour away I had him check at the Target by him and he came home with one for kolby and one for olivia. We've only set up kolby's so far...afterall how many tents can one fit in one's house? kolby insisted on having it zipped shut right away and we just ahd to bring the flash light with us to church the next day. Thanks for the tip girlies! happy camping:)
A little idea I stole.... here's a few whys I've asked myself today:
Why don't I ever have anything to wear?
Why do most politicians turn out to be sleazy alcoholics?
Why can't polticians be more like our Founding Fathers?
Why do people that don't have the right away always take it?
Why do I love the idea of a clean house but lack the reality?
Why doesn't every grocery store have "customer with children" parking?
Why are custard filled donuts so yummy?
Why do I look forward to my Tues/Wed Idol nights soooo much?
Why do I have to have a runny nose still?
Why is this blogging thing so fun?